Certified Roof Trusses
Our company, S&L Truss Columbus, is certified by the SBCA (Structural Building Components Association) and the Truss Plate Institute (TPI). S&L Truss Columbus has a quality control team that provides a minimum of three truss inspections per week, per setup location and per shift using the Plate Placement Method. Every quarter, the SBCA reviews S&L Truss Columbus’s inspections electronically, while TPI sends an inspector to perform random, quarterly inspections at our plant. We are committed to our customers, and our experienced and knowledgeable team is ready to help you with your next project.
Fire-Resistant Wood Joists
S&L Lumber proudly supplies the Open Joist TRIFORCE®, allowing builders to meet Ohio’s stringent standards for both fire performance and quality while enjoying all the advantages of an open joist solution. Ohio enforces the 2015 International Residential Code, requiring unprotected floor and ceiling assemblies to exceed a minimum level of fire resistance to address safety concerns.